Monday, 1 March 2010

Budget set

Today a Labour block vote supported by a Lib Dem Councillor and five Independents voted through a 2.45% increase in the Council Tax levied by Wakefield District Council. They rejected a Conservative amendment that would have brought a smaller and below inflation increase of 1.95% that would have also put more funds into infrastructure, done away with the Leader of the Councils chauffeur driven car and his personal soapbox.

To read our budget proposals find Mark Crowther's detailed budget speech here.

On the day itself the Mayor imposed a limited time for delivery of the speech despite her giving unlimited time for the Leader and Deputy Leader of the council for their speeches and in doing so set a new standard, cutting across established practice of on this one day at least giving some sort of balanced approach.

So the people of Wakefield will be paying more from April and will also face changes to front line services including a stealth tax that will create a fly tippers charter.

Have a look here for a comment from a member of the public in the Wakefield Express, it nicely defines the difference in ethos and approach between our New Labour tax and spend controlling group and the real world.

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