Monday 15 March 2010

Town Council for Pontefract? Time to decide

Tomorrow evening Tuesday 16th March, in the Assembly Rooms at Pontefract Town Hall there is to be a public meeting to discuss the pros and cons so that people can put in their views on the formation of a new Town/Parish Council as we enter the final stage of the consultation.

I have written on this subject on a number of occasions, there remain a solid group of people who are concerned about an extra level of bureaucracy with tax raising powers and limited options in terms of the services that they can provide.

It looks like there will be many members of the public who will come along to express their concerns about this issue and hopefully we will see a clearing of the air.

As I commented on a previous post, there are six Pontefract District Councillors three South, three North who will in any case continue working to support the people of Pontefract and to ensure that we see improvements in the quality of life for people across the district.

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