Wednesday 24 February 2010

£4 million litter bill

At the February Council Meeting the Portfolio holder for Environment told us that the Council spends £4 million pounds a year picking up and disposing of litter.

This is a larger amount than we spend on highways and footpaths maintenance or preparing for the sorts of extreme weather that we have been getting.

With this money we have other options, it would cover the cost of several nurseries or a couple of primary schools. It would allow us to fund neighbourhood policing to help bear down on anti-social behaviour. We could renovate and improve War memorials across the district, we could better maintain parks, support youth groups and community organisations. There are strategies needed to improve education, care of the elderly. We could buy books for our libraries we could better support local institutions like Pontefract Museum. We could complete actions to improve access to Pontefract Castle, further support tourism events such as the Pontefract Liquorice Festival.

OR we could reduce the tax load on local residents.

Time that we made it clear that littering, graffiti, fly-tipping and other sorts of environmental anti social behaviour is just not acceptable or welcome.

We can use the money for other things!

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