Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Labour's Transport Shame

The controlling group, for over 36 years the Labour administration in Wakefield, has allowed a 10 year backlog of maintenance work needed on our roads to build up.

In the recently approved council budget, no new investment was made into our roads in 2011/12 and beyond. During the recent bad weather, 75 miles less of the district's roads were gritted and cleared than in 2008 and there is a huge amount of work being done patching the same roads for a third, fourth or in some cases fifth time.

If elected in May, We are pledging to invest an extra £600k more each year over the next three years for fixing potholes and clearing and repairing drains.

This will be paid for by efficiency and ending council luxuries, like the leader's personal chauffeur driven car.

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