Friday 19 October 2007

You want my business - but where do I park?

As part of the next stage of new City centre redevelopment of Wakefield we will be loosing approximately 1500 car parking places. To be replaced with a multi storey car park at the railway station with 1500 new places, so far so good.

The new super duper parking will take about a year to materialise and meanwhile where do visitors to Wakefield park? Well, Meadowhall, Leeds City Centre, or on one of the areas numerous out of town shopping centres with free parking are probably going to take the strain and the money. Wakefield will just loose custom and visitors.

Oh and the new car park is owned by Railtrack and daily charges are likely to be £10 - £15 pounds!

Which means that we will also see price increases as Council off and onstreet parking tariffs across the district including Pontefract have to make up the revenue shortfall generated by WMDC's reduction of spaces and earnings.

Some green activists say that we should be using other means to get about.

In Victorian times it was still quite common to find people who never travelled more than ten miles in any direction from where they were born, if some have their say we are headed back that way.

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