Tuesday, 10 May 2016

New in from CWF - CWF Chairman Sir Gerald Howarth MP: Join us to campaign for Brexit

You may remember people asking if they could really have a referendum on this and the simple truth.

As one of the grey haired individuals who as a mere youth voted back in 1975 for what I thought was a common market, I have seen what has evolved into the European Union which is progressively reducing us to a satellite with an ever reducing say in what goes on.

I acknowledge that the Prime Minister pledged that we would get a referendum and that is being delivered. I am startled at the tone of alarm coming from Downing Street and various members of the Westminster Bubble who risk losing a convenient scapegoat excuse (we cannot because of the EU).

If this is so dangerous for us why propose the referendum in the first place?

I guess that I have sat on the fence in recent weeks and months as I saught information that could help me make my own decision and have met a good number of people who shared my uncertainty.

I received this email from Gerald Howarth and feel that it sums up key elements that are important for me.

What do you say? Are you thinking what I am thinking? The final quote from Winston Churchill pretty clearly serves to remind us of our own thread of history. Time to add some further chapters outside the EU a sovereign state linked but not combined with our Europe.

I am for out.


Recvd 16:18   10-5-2016

Dear Geoff,
Conservative Way Forward will be campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union because we want to:
  • return control to our Parliament, answerable to the British people, not European bureaucrats;
  • regain control of our borders to stem the flow of EU immigration; and,
  • save the taxpayer £350 million per week which the UK currently pays to Brussels.
Whilst in 1975 the British people thought they were voting for a common market in goods and services, and overwhelmingly now feel they were deceived, some of us foresaw the dangers.  We saw the European Economic Community had a president, a flag, an anthem, and a court.  Today, the EEC has now become the European Union, and it has added a currency, a parliament, a foreign minister and a defence identity with publicly-declared ambitions for a Euro-army.  These are the attributes of a sovereign nation state, worse still, a super-state.
The Remain camp’s latest panic outburst, suggesting that World War III will break out if we leave, would be laughable were it not so serious.  NATO, not the EU, is the cornerstone of the UK’s, and the continent’s, security, and the continent managed to remain at peace throughout the 28 years before the UK joined the EEC in 1973.
As a former Defence Minister, I believe that far from enhancing the UK’s security it is likely to be put at risk by our continued membership of the European Union.  Only last week it emerged that the German government is preparing to publish a white paper calling for a European Union Army with an EU operational HQ which would seriously undermine NATO, undermine the vital transatlantic security cooperation between the U.S. and the United Kingdom, and in effect establish a military capability without national democratic oversight.
If the British people vote to remain, they will not be voting for the status quo, or for ‘a safe option’; they will be voting for further integration and further change.  The EU’s Eurozone members are poised to undertake massive further integration, i.e. surrender of national sovereignty, which will create further tensions of the kind already experienced in Greece.  Not being a Eurozone member, the UK will be side lined.
Furthermore, the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights will confer ever-greater powers on the European Court of Justice to override laws passed by our Parliament.
I look forward to working together with Conservative Way Forward activists to ensure that we seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a new and exciting future for our country outside the EU.
As Sir Winston Churchill said on 11 May 1953, We have our own dream and our own task.  We are with Europe, but not of it.  We are linked but not combined.  We are interested and associated but not absorbed.  If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea”.Yours sincerely,

Sir Gerald Howarth MP
Chairman, Conservative Way Forward

PS - Conservative Way Forward is supporting the campaign to Vote Leave and Take Control on June 23rd. Click here to sign up to the campaign, and here to check out their events.

Conservative Way Forward

Friday, 6 May 2016

Thank you!

Good afternoon folks, 

Thanks ever so much to all of you who took a hand in the campaign over the last four weeks.

Lots of effort by many (worn out a pair of trainers and acquired some interesting blisters in the process).  Sadly whilst we polled 1669 who were thinking what we were thinking and voted. On the day Labour kept the seat with a 248 vote majority and 1917 votes with a turnout of 34.9%.

Can I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate our other candidates for your work in other wards across the constituency and wish you all success in future campaigns.

Kind regards


Thursday, 5 May 2016

Today is Polling Day

Out and about in Pontefract South today is polling day. If you see me say hello.

 Action for Pontefract use your vote today.@ChrisHyomes for Pontefract North, Me for Pontefract South and Allan Doherty for West Yorkshire PCC. Polling stations open until 10pm.

Voting is a right please vote today and help give Pontefract its voice back.



Your local Conservative team for Normanton Pontefract and Castleford 2016

Today is polling day your turn to have your say.  In addition to PPC candidates you are also likely to have had a variety of candidates of varying political parties turning up on a doorstep near you.

Our local team is backing a very capable Allan Doherty, who is standing against Mark Burns Williamson in the PPC Election. The local candidates who hope to serve as your representatives on Wakefield Metropolitan District Council are :

Geoff Walsh - Pontefract South (that would be me then).
Chris Hyomes - Pontefract North
Anthony Hill - Altofts and Whitwood
Mathew Gilligan - Normanton
Amy Swift - Airedale and Ferry Fryston
Joanne Smart - Castleford and Glasshoughton
Eamonn Mullins - Ferrybridge & Knottingley

As you see us out and about today please say hello.

Please pass this on.  Its time that the people of Five Towns got their voice back.


Geoff Walsh

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Action for Pontefract - Why vote for Geoff Walsh? I will work for you

Why Vote Walsh for Pontefract South?

    I will work to see that Pontefract has a voice in Wakefield a fair share of resources and action for Pontefract all year round.

    I will support our local economy, jobs, training and apprenticeships to help local businesses grow.

    Too often the big decisions for Pontefract are taken in Wakefield by people who do not understand our needs, challenges or heritage.

Many local residents share my concerns about lack of investment in our town and the dash for more housing without the added infrastructure to support it.

In response to the huge growth of new housing in Pontefract we also need to ensure we have first class education and sufficient school places for all our children, enhanced 7 day a week access to GP services and improved leisure facilities. Improvements that will       make our town a better place to live in.

I will support local businesses and individuals, organise events and, lobby Wakefield to make the best of business rate subsidies.

I will challenge our MPs and the directors of MYHT to move more services back to               Pontefract Hospital.

I have eight years of practical experience as a councillor to offer and a track       record of addressing issues for people across Pontefract.

Given the opportunity to represent you again, I’ll work with individuals and groups across Pontefract to see your issues are taken seriously. If you agree, help me to help you. 

Vote Walsh for Pontefract South on the 5th of May.

25 Jan 2008 I think I just promised to eat my hat... UPDATED

Revisiting a post from 2008 when I promised to eat my hat for charity if WMDC fixed the traffic congestion and air quality issues by October 2008. In fact it took them till 2016 to make a start, to go back to the future (removing the mass of traffic lights that created jams of stationary trucks, buses and cars at peak times or when the A1 closes for repairs or rescues) reinstalling roundabouts at Town End to ease matters. Well they reluctantly dragged their heels until the issues were so significant they had to do something. Eight years later...

There is much to do!

Eight years later we still see collapsing roads, a need to resolve our infrastructure issues, improved road and rail services more school places, GP and Healthcare provision as the Town faces surging growth with up to 4000 additional homes being built around it. Not forgetting the town itself and the need to make the most of our heritage and improve what we have. 

Thursdays local election has real significance. Please cast your vote and a vote for Walsh is a vote for Pontefract. In Pontefract North please vote for my colleague Chris Hyomes.


A Yorkshire based Infant heart research charity

25 Jan 2008

I think I just promised to eat my hat....

Last night, I attended Carleton Neighbourhood Watch's monthly meeting. Always an interesting evening, good mix of people from across the community, if Carleton had a Parish Council it would look like this and do good work.

Anyhoo a member was sharing some information about the proposed traffic survey about Pontefract's traffic problems. This has been wheeled out smartish as our MP and one of the ruling group councillors gave an interview to the local paper saying that they intended in conjunction with senior officers of WMDC to have a summit to find solutions for our problems.

Thing is Yvette was promising something and included Trevor the councillor, she usually does something similar each year with whichever Labour Councillor is up for re-election or to introduce their candidate. In 2006 on election day she was found in a local chip shop at Carleton Park drumming up support from the evening rush to go out and vote for the person announced as the next Deputy Mayor (in this case it seemed not to work 42 more people voted for me than him and the rest is history).

Well this time somebody checked the story by asking a WMDC senior officer in a public meeting what WMDC knew about Yvette's initiative.

Nothing was the reply, more questions were asked and it suddenly starts to look like this was one of Yvette's aspirational press releases. Nobody at Wakefield knew anything. Result piece in paper shortly followed by an embarassed Trevor having to say details not agreed yet.

Then all of a sudden we do get some officers of the council doing a version of a human suggestion box in Pontefract Town Hall to avoid any embarrassment. So after the comment that this was really the consultation to end all consultations and would really get things sorted, I reminded the assembled group that the same exercise happened in 2002, 2004, 2006 and that if any real action resulted that lead to a significant improvement before October this year, I will eat my hat at a charity event organised for the purpose

I have a cunning plan...

Monday, 2 May 2016

Out and About in Pontefract South

The bulk of the last ten days has involved visiting doorsteps across Pontefract South. Catching up with people that I have worked with over the years and meeting new faces. People really appreciate a personal visit and whilst many have said that they do not normally vote in local elections they realise the importance of this one. As a lady in Darrington said "We seldom see a candidate its good to see you getting out to visit, you are very much the exception, thank you". It is a pleasure and doorstep surgeries are a great way to find out developing issues.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Chance to meet Allan Doherty the PCC Candidate with a plan for West Yorkshire

Many of you will have noticed that there are two elections taking place on the 5th of May, the original PCC elections slipped by for many without notice and as few as 15 in 100 who could have voted did in West Yorkshire. The current PCC has kept a low profile but has built up one of the biggest empires in his period of office. Former policeman Allan Doherty says he is determined to see a West Yorkshire Police force where victims are put first and officers spend more time out policing.

I spent a day out on doorsteps with him today across Pontefract and like many members of the public were impressed with his candid and clear approach to do the best by us.

I will certainly be voting for him on the 5th of May.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Time to fix the roads - Again

In February 2014 I spent a day out with the Highways Network Manager to introduce him to roads that needed attention.

What followed has been a number of activities that have fixed some surfaces and patched others. Luckily I kept a list of wonky roads, it is really good to see where there has been action. But the list grows, I can and will push for Pontefract to get some of the Government money that is being made available to fix the roads. It would also be helpful to see some local taxes coming back to improve matters.

Traditionally WMDC has treated highways money as discretionary to be used on their other projects or for when the numbers don't add up. We get left with a highway network that is becoming more dangerous for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.   So in Pontefract not only do we need improvements in infrastructure but we also need existing roads to be fixed.

It sometimes feels like pulling teeth to get money from Wakefield but needs to be done.

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Let me know.  Cheers


Sunday, 24 April 2016

Out and about - Say Hello

Had an interesting day dropping of contact cards on the east side of the ward. Pleasant Sunday so people are out gardening, cleaning the car or generally chatting with neighbours.

Very pleased at the number telling me that they had voted for me. Interesting fact is that people who receive a postal vote do complete and return them well before the election, something in the order of 80% tend to return them within 48 hours of receiving them, They are then securely stored and counted on polling day the 5th of May.

For those that have voted already, thank you ever so much and if you voted for me so much the better.

If you do see me out and about and you have a question or issue that you want to raise, please do tell me. But even if you don't have a concern please say hello.

People often say they never see a candidate, I am working to get to as many as I can. Hopefully see you before the 5th?



Saturday, 23 April 2016

Martin Lodge

Martin has been a phenomenon over recent years. A thoroughly decent bloke who has worked with groups across the town, showing great determination to support Pontefract people and promote our town and its history.

He has been heavily involved in the Civic Society, the Heritage Group, the work being done to recognise the Magna Carta heritage, his involvement with the Pantomime Society and the work to bring back the Crescent Cinema into use. This week marks the publication of "Pontefract Celebrating the past:looking to the future" compiled by Martin in conjunction with Pontefract Civic Society.

Well liked he has brought people together and helped to get things done.

Throughout all this he has also been resolutely fighting his own battle with cancer. That came to an end yesterday. There has been an outpouring of sympathy for his family and many across our community have expressed sadness but also admiration for Martin as a person.

Today the St George celebrations at Pontefract Castle proceeded and a good day was had by all and the flags at Pontefract Castle rightly flew at half mast in tribute to a man who will be missed.

Sympathy and commiserations to his family and all who knew him.

Pontefract ready for change. Are you thinking what I am thinking?

It is time to challenge the 42 years of Labour lack of care from Wakefield that all to often damages Pontefract and its interests.

 Speaking to local residents, they share my concerns about lack of investment in our town & the dash for more housing without the infrastructure to support it.  We already see Pontefract Hospital failing to reach its potential despite our MPs promises.  The challenges of air quality and congestion at Town End only now being resolved after fifteen years of denial and fudging by the Labour Council.

The impact of new houses on the Prince of Wales site; the resulting traffic chaos on Park Road have been mentioned, as have the closure of local swimming pools to be replaced by a maybe £10million new build at Glasshoughton or in Pontefract Park, with less than half the current  capacity.

In addition to investment in Pontefract, we need to see first class education for our children and tackling of local low level crime early, improvements that will make our town a better place to live in.

I am proud to work with, support, promote and endorse, the Pantomime Society (Oh yes I do!), The Lions & Lionesses, Scouting & Cadet activities, Pomfret Nursery, the Pontefract Education Trust, St Giles, St Marys, Central Methodist & the work of the Saviour Trust. Community & Friends Groups, the activities of Darrington & East Hardwick Parish Councils & Pontefract Civic Society. I promise to continue with this work if you trust me with your support in Thursday 5th May's local election.

Meanwhile if you have questions or concerns please get in touch, send me an email, give me a call or stop me when I am out and about.



Friday, 15 April 2016

5 Towns Retail Park and its potential impact on Pontefract...April 2016


You may be aware that the  plan that was being proposed to give Castleford Tigers a new stadium in the field adjacent to Junction 32 of the M62 has moved on a pace.

Clearly, if this is to go ahead, it will be one of the biggest developments of its kind locally with a significant impact on both Pontefract and Castleford. If you link that to the  proposal to increase the capacity of the Asda Superstore and the fact that work at the Prince of Wales site is well underway with a prospect of up to 540 houses in its first two phases each discharging on to Park Road, then the proposals for handling the traffic will need to be scrutinised closely.

The commercial aspects are likely to be viable, you only need to look at the Tesco deal that gave the Warrington Wolves their new Stadium across the car park from a Tesco Superstore. The stadium scheme is likely to be financed by the developer and or a major retail operator so that they can get public support from Tiger's fans.

It is likely that a significant amount of users of this new stadium and the proposed retail park will arrive by motorway.  It is to be hoped that the roundabout at Junction 32 can cope with any extra traffic otherwise the problems we had at Town End will seem insignificant compared to what may lie ahead, with Pontefract effectively cut off from the Motorway.

Having had conversations with people who have been looking at this proposal, for many there is a concern that this scheme could cripple any hopes that we have for making our Town centre more vibrant. I am uneasy that we may lose further high street retailers from Pontefract depending upon who moves into the new development. 

With the potential for up to 4000 new homes in and around the town, we also need to see improvements in the infrastructure and the council's approach to spending in Pontefract as a whole.

We also need to find ways to allow existing local businesses to continue and thrive. Clearly WMDC is looking forward to significant business rate revenue from the 5 Towns Retail Park, some of that should be spent to help sustain Pontefract and Castleford town centres.

One simple solution is that WMDC amend their car parking policy to reflect the dire threat to local businesses and to attract more residents and visitors to shop local. The revenue from new businesses will more than cover any shortfall incurred by scrapping or reducing car parking fees in the town.

In 2013 I raised the issue of parking charges and was told that there was to be an area wide review linked to Cllr Jeffrey's portfolio.  At this point nothing of note has happened in Pontefract.

WMDC needs to change its approach to parking charges to support our community. Options could mirror other authorities or even those used in other parts of the district :-

A) Remove parking charges completely for on street and council off street parking, with a time limit enforced by a parking disc system and charge for excess use (with an extended use permit for those resident in the Town Centre and a chargeable permit for those who are working in the Town Centre).

B) Retain the status quo but allow free parking after 3pm system to encourage people to visit the Town Centre later in the day.

C) Allow free parking for the first hour and charge subsequent time at a reasonable rate.

The important thing is that WMDC will need to be pro-active something which many would find surprising..

Something needs to be done to keep shoppers visiting Pontefract Town Centre.

What do you think?

Email me: geoff.walsh.npc@gmail.com
or Twitter @Geoff_Walsh_npc
or give me a call.


Thursday, 7 April 2016

UPDATED 2016 Pontefract Music Festival - 22nd & 23rd April then 29th & 30th April 2016

Frank Hatchard founded Pontefract Music Festival in 1903 to stimulate and foster the love and practice of music and drama in the district. This was to be by competitive classes before competent judges, whose criticisms and advice would be of exceptional educational value to all entrants.

The Festival was suspended during the 1914 war but was resumed afterwards, and managed to survive the depression of the 1930’s. Activities were once again suspended because of the 1939 war and were not revived until 1947. This resumption was made possible almost entirely by a grant from The Mayor’s Charity Fund, and help from the local authority and Wakefield Arts Association enabled the festival to keep going, supplemented by small events such as concerts and coffee mornings held by various committee members.

In 1951, Pontefract festival was considered sufficiently important to be used for a music class as part of the Festival of Britain, and the area semi-finals were held in Pontefract. Over the years, entries ranged between 300 and 800, with never less than 2000 competitors taking part. The Postal Strike took its toll one year and numbers were also affected by the teachers dispute in 1986. However the Festival went ahead in spite of these setbacks.

Pontefract Festival gives a great deal of pleasure to people of all ages, either in the audiences to enjoy the competitive performances or winners’ concerts, or as competitors gaining experience of public performance in their own particular specialities. They have the opportunity to gauge their own work with that of their contemporaries and the benefit of expert advice and comments from highly experienced professional adjudicators in both drama and music.

There are a variety of venues  and the organisers can be reached by email at admin@pontfest.org.uk and their web site is here

I am a supporter of the festival and I will be taking as much time as I can to visit the 2016 Festival.

Countdown to the WMDC Local Elections 5th May 2016 - Time for a change

Over the last couple of weeks people across the country have been collecting signatures that will allow others to stand in local elections scheduled on the 5th of May.

In my case there are a number of folks (you know who you are) that have signed my nomination papers.

The result is that from today, 7th April the people of Pontefract South have got themselves a legally vetted and checked candidate (me).

I look forward to working with Chris Hyomes for Pontefract North, Anthony Hill for Altofts and Whitwood,  Amy Swift for Airedale and Ferry Fryston, Joanne Smart for Castleford Central and Glasshoughton, Eamonn Mullins for Knottingley and Mathew Gilligan for Normanton.

In our part of the world its time to see more balance on the local council. Well you will have your chance on the 5th of May. Over to you.

