Sunday, 24 April 2016

Out and about - Say Hello

Had an interesting day dropping of contact cards on the east side of the ward. Pleasant Sunday so people are out gardening, cleaning the car or generally chatting with neighbours.

Very pleased at the number telling me that they had voted for me. Interesting fact is that people who receive a postal vote do complete and return them well before the election, something in the order of 80% tend to return them within 48 hours of receiving them, They are then securely stored and counted on polling day the 5th of May.

For those that have voted already, thank you ever so much and if you voted for me so much the better.

If you do see me out and about and you have a question or issue that you want to raise, please do tell me. But even if you don't have a concern please say hello.

People often say they never see a candidate, I am working to get to as many as I can. Hopefully see you before the 5th?



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