Saturday, 23 April 2016

Martin Lodge

Martin has been a phenomenon over recent years. A thoroughly decent bloke who has worked with groups across the town, showing great determination to support Pontefract people and promote our town and its history.

He has been heavily involved in the Civic Society, the Heritage Group, the work being done to recognise the Magna Carta heritage, his involvement with the Pantomime Society and the work to bring back the Crescent Cinema into use. This week marks the publication of "Pontefract Celebrating the past:looking to the future" compiled by Martin in conjunction with Pontefract Civic Society.

Well liked he has brought people together and helped to get things done.

Throughout all this he has also been resolutely fighting his own battle with cancer. That came to an end yesterday. There has been an outpouring of sympathy for his family and many across our community have expressed sadness but also admiration for Martin as a person.

Today the St George celebrations at Pontefract Castle proceeded and a good day was had by all and the flags at Pontefract Castle rightly flew at half mast in tribute to a man who will be missed.

Sympathy and commiserations to his family and all who knew him.

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