Saturday 19 April 2014

Town End problems still to be addressed more of the same looming..

Town End Folly still unresolved - Pontefract's Choke Points about to get worse

Following on from Mr Griffin's letter in the P&C Express 23rd January 2014, it looks like yet another plan for Pontefract has stalled. For the last 40 years most of the big decisions for Pontefract have been made by people that do not know or understand the town and whether it be those that proposed Town End lights in the first place or those like Cllr Denise Jeffrey who promised back in 2011 to resolve the chaos and congestion that this caused, we are still no further forward. 
We still have unacceptably long queues, compromised air quality which exceeds national limits caused by standing traffic, and the looming problem of additional traffic as up to 4000 more houses are added around the edges of town. 

The next potential "Folly" we need to be aware of is Cllr Box's much vaunted Northern Relief Road. Relief from what, may I ask? This will add to congestion by the railway bridge/motorway junction on Park Road as it cuts off towards Skinner Lane, which, in itself, is not really suitable to take extra traffic. Costing taxpayers up to £4.1 million, this road was originally intended primarily as access to the Prince of Wales site The plan was then undermined by Wakefield planners who are allowing Harwood Estates to give traffic from the first 540 homes direct access to Park Road from the old colliery road by the roundabout meaning that there will now be two new junctions and two new choke points.
Over recent years there have been promises of improved infrastructure for Pontefract but we still have rat runs, pollution, congestion, potholes and uneven footpaths. We need to see meaningful improvements and where there is additional housing, good sustainable development to make the town more viable, hopefully the powers that be are listening.

Cllr Geoff Walsh
Pontefract South

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