Friday 25 April 2014

Local Elections Over to you?

There are 21 WMDC wards up for re-election in the local elections on 22nd May. For the last ten days we have been proposing and nominating our local candidates for each of the 21 wards. Subject to confirmation by the Electoral Officer from this afternoon the 25th of April there will be a local Conservative Candidate in each of the wards allowing those who wish to have a local representative speaking up for them in Wakefield they can use their vote to see that happen. Thank you for all the people who signed nomination and assent forms in doing so you helped with one of the first checks and balances. Polling cards have started to fall through peoples letterboxes soon to be followed by postal votes for those who prefer that. On the 22nd there will be an opportunity for others to go out and vote. At that point over to you, happy with the way things are, or time for a change in Wakefield and more local accountability?

Details of Candidates are HERE

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