Thursday 15 April 2010

Talking Heads

For many, tonight will have been a chance to see the three leaders of the principal political parties put forward their responses to some set questions. In the process, they will have probably confirmed to their followers their supremacy and for the undecided given them something to consider. There are two more of these moments of truth when people will have further opportunities to compare and contrast.

In considering the messages put across, people will need to decide how they feel about the values that the leaders present.

For my part I found this interesting. Am I set in my views?

Well I believe in small government and the opportunity for people to take responsibility for their actions. I also believe that generally whilst government wants to dip into my pocket when the sums do not add up, that probably I have a better sense of how I want my money spent than Gordon or Nick.

In the case of the former he has got us into this mess, with the help of our local dream couple, who I neither trust to consider our wants or, needs as they got on with flipping their properties and pursuing their ministerial careers.

I have an open mind about Nick Clegg's motives, but do not see how if forced to follow his parties line he will do anything that will really resolve our issues and based on specific questions on some of his policies, many people share that concern.

One thing that is clear, at least at a local level, the two Libdems on WMDC have consistently voted for, and with the Labour party consistently following their line throughout the four years that I have been a member of the council, so in my experience, a vote for the Libdems, is a vote for Labour in Wakefield.

Nationally, I suspect the same to be true, at least in the case of a hung parliament. The 6th of May will really be a chance to see change, or not.

If you have an open mind let me suggest that you look at our national Conservative manifesto and our local manifesto for an administration for WMDC and this part of West Yorkshire in my earlier posts.

The consequences of more of the same is scary.

Interesting times ehh?

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