Friday 30 April 2010

Compare and Contrast

Over recent days I have walked up many driveways and stood on doorsteps across the ward. People have been very welcoming and encouraging. It looks as though the other candidates have put out some information and now members of the public are starting to compare and contrast what us candidates have been putting forward.

People were very welcoming in 2006 when I was first elected by voters of Pontefract South, they seem to be even more engaged with what is going on now.

Perhaps it it the combination of a General Election that will impact on the whole country and a chance to see this Labour controlled district council under new management for the first time in 36 years.

Anyhow between now and the 6th I will continue to be out and about, ready to answer questions or to pick up on concerns. So if you see someone walking along a pavement near you with a Conservative rosette, its probably me, please give me a wave or honk if you are driving.

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