Friday, 30 April 2010

What happens in one minute of Labour?

Compare and Contrast

Over recent days I have walked up many driveways and stood on doorsteps across the ward. People have been very welcoming and encouraging. It looks as though the other candidates have put out some information and now members of the public are starting to compare and contrast what us candidates have been putting forward.

People were very welcoming in 2006 when I was first elected by voters of Pontefract South, they seem to be even more engaged with what is going on now.

Perhaps it it the combination of a General Election that will impact on the whole country and a chance to see this Labour controlled district council under new management for the first time in 36 years.

Anyhow between now and the 6th I will continue to be out and about, ready to answer questions or to pick up on concerns. So if you see someone walking along a pavement near you with a Conservative rosette, its probably me, please give me a wave or honk if you are driving.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

I just voted for you!

Postal votes have now been mailed to those people who prefer to vote by post. Previous experience says that people who receive a postal ballot are likely to respond quite speedily and this leads to the nice situation on the doorstep when people actually start a conversation with "I have just voted for you!"

I must admit after 14 days of pounding the streets across the district, that is music to my ears. Thank You!

For those with postal votes who may wish to ask further questions before voting, please send me an email, drop me a line or call 733975 and I will do all I can to answer as soon as I can.

For the many people across Pontefract South, who take the opportunity to vote in the local elections on May 6th, I hope to get to meet as many of you as I can between know and then. But if I don't get to walk up your path please give me a call, send me a note, or an email if there are questions that you wish to ask and again I will try to address them promptly.

Information on our policies and manifesto for Education and the Public Sector.

Out and about today I was asked about our national policy approach to public sector workers and the valuable contribution that they make to society.

As promised here is a link to our public sector manifesto which I hope is helpful (You know who you are)

There were further questions about our attitude and approach to Education, there is more detail available in our Main Manifesto with the Education section commencing on page 50 of the document below.

More information as it becomes available electronically.


"We will create a new generation of state schools"
Sunday, April 25 2010

David Cameron and Michael Gove spoke to parents in Kirklees today more information here

Friday, 23 April 2010

Freedom of the City and national manifesto commitments - Armed Forces members and their families.

On Wednesday afternoon, I was proud to take part in a vote to confirm the Freedom of the City of Wakefield to The Rifles, one of the regiments that regards our part of the former West Riding as home and draws recruits from across the district, they are the successor to the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, who were first granted the freedom to march through the City of Wakefield with Flags flying, drums beating and bayonets fixed in 1945.

On the doorstep over the last weeks I have met people who want to know about our national approach to working with members of the armed forces and their families, you can read the manifesto by clicking on the image below.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

A Town Council for Pontefract?

At its meeting on the 21st of April 2010, the full council meeting reviewed the results of the 2nd stage consultation exercise and based on the volume of representations made, voted that the Parish/Town Council proposal for Pontefract should not proceed, this by a decisive majority of 60 votes to 1.

A situation that will bring peace of mind to the clear majority of respondents who oppose the idea, and will frustrate the members of the group "Pontefract Forward" and their supporters.

Meanwhile people do want value for money, a sense that taxes are spent wisely and that Pontefract draws down its share of resources. The six existing Pontefract Councillors elected by the community need to get on and address problems and concerns, building positive change that takes account of local peoples needs and priorities so that they feel better about Pontefract and its future.

For more background visit my earlier post from August 2009

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

What it takes to change a country.

Out and about this week I am still hearing members of the public that "we need to get rid of this lot" a slice of the time they are talking about the 36 year old Labour administration that has been running Wakefield Metropolitan district council since the 70's. Many more are also talking about a wish to see change at a national level. They refer to our existing MP's commitment to her career and the way that many MPs from all parties have been serving their own interests over those of their electorate.

So what does it take to see a positive change in Wakefield? Well there are 21 seats up for election in the local elections on May 6th. We are contesting all 21, in my case seeking re-election in Pontefract South. The more people who hold with recent years and elect a Conservative District Councillor the more likely we are to see a new administration. Some people have asked what part the Lib-Dem members of the council play. Over the last four years the two existing Lib-Dems have consistently voted with the Labour controlled administration's party line. My suspicion is that after May 6th a Lib-Dem vote will be a Labour vote. We shall see.

Nationally, David Cameron in our latest broadcast shares his perspective on the challenges we face and ways forward.

Over to you. Show us your view on May the 6th.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Talking Heads

For many, tonight will have been a chance to see the three leaders of the principal political parties put forward their responses to some set questions. In the process, they will have probably confirmed to their followers their supremacy and for the undecided given them something to consider. There are two more of these moments of truth when people will have further opportunities to compare and contrast.

In considering the messages put across, people will need to decide how they feel about the values that the leaders present.

For my part I found this interesting. Am I set in my views?

Well I believe in small government and the opportunity for people to take responsibility for their actions. I also believe that generally whilst government wants to dip into my pocket when the sums do not add up, that probably I have a better sense of how I want my money spent than Gordon or Nick.

In the case of the former he has got us into this mess, with the help of our local dream couple, who I neither trust to consider our wants or, needs as they got on with flipping their properties and pursuing their ministerial careers.

I have an open mind about Nick Clegg's motives, but do not see how if forced to follow his parties line he will do anything that will really resolve our issues and based on specific questions on some of his policies, many people share that concern.

One thing that is clear, at least at a local level, the two Libdems on WMDC have consistently voted for, and with the Labour party consistently following their line throughout the four years that I have been a member of the council, so in my experience, a vote for the Libdems, is a vote for Labour in Wakefield.

Nationally, I suspect the same to be true, at least in the case of a hung parliament. The 6th of May will really be a chance to see change, or not.

If you have an open mind let me suggest that you look at our national Conservative manifesto and our local manifesto for an administration for WMDC and this part of West Yorkshire in my earlier posts.

The consequences of more of the same is scary.

Interesting times ehh?

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Conservative 2010 Manifesto for Wakefield District

In 2008 the Labour controlled administration remained in power by a margin of just 37 votes. Since that time we have been working across our local communities to help the electorate see a real and practical alternative. People regularly made the comment that you have a tough time in such a strong Labour area. Now they can see the gap closing fast one of the most common comments on doorsteps is "we really must get rid of this lot".

To help give people a feel for our sense of purpose and some of the things that they can expect to see if they elect a Conservative administration for WMDC we are distributing our own manifesto for change through the remaining weeks leading up to the local government elections on May 6th.

If you wish to see it online, you can view it by clicking the image below or here at the Wakefield Conservative Group web site.

Your help in the local elections on May 6th will be appreciated and just as we are aiming to see Conservative parliamentary candidates like Nick Pickles, Alex Story,
Antony Calvert and Ann Myatt, we are putting forward 21 Conservative council candidates to help make a local difference.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The 2010 Conservative Manifesto

David Cameron has today, launched the Conservative Party Manifesto for the coming election. Here are his words on the situation we face and our proposals for the way forward.

"This manifesto is the most important point so far on the journey we began four and a half years ago, when our party voted to change. It gives us a mandate to apply our deepest values and beliefs to the urgent problems of the hour. Our belief in responsibility – that everyone has a duty to each other. Our belief in enterprise and aspiration – that everyone must have the chance to rise higher through hard work. Our belief in people power – that most people will do the right thing when you trust them. And perhaps most importantly of all, our belief that we are all in this together.

This belief – that collectively we are so much stronger than the sum of our parts – runs right through the policies and plans in this document. Ours is not a vision of government fixing the problems of this country unilaterally, but of millions of people mobilised to play their part in our national renewal. So this is not a traditional manifesto – it is an invitation to everyone in this country to join the government of Britain

It is a modern Conservative philosophy, realised in powerful plans for change. But these ideas and policies are not much use to us locked in these pages. I’m asking you to take this manifesto to local people, describe how this will make a difference to their lives, invite them to join the government of Britain. We have just a few weeks until the most important election for a generation. If we succeed together on May 6th, then together we can apply the Conservative beliefs and values our country is crying out for."

David Cameron 13th April 2010

Please look at it, pass it on.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Gadget's Election Thought For Today

One challenge that our society faces in helping young people live useful, meaningful lives is to help them see the benefits of contributing, Gadget talks from personal experience about the decisions that many have faced and got involved in their communities and some have not.

Government has to get young people involved and working.

Having just had this experience locally where youths did a bit of DIY arson it seems clear that we have growing numbers who neither care nor contribute but are only too keen to benefit when and where they can.

Building a Big Society not Big Government

Many people that I have met who follow this site have been asking for me to add more of the national policy documents so that you can see what Conservatives are standing up for.

Building a Big Society is at the heart of the Conservative Party's vision for change. The Big Society is a society with much higher levels of personal, professional, civic and corporate responsibility; a society where people come together to solve problems and improve life for themselves and improve their communities; a society where the leading force for progress is social responsibility, not state control.

To read more, click on the image below.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Rolling back the powers of Big Brother

Caroline Spelman, the Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary, has called for a ban on state snoopers and clipboard inspectors from entering homes.

There have been over 587 new powers of entry created since Labour took control in May 1997 and a Conservative Government would set out to roll back powers that allow officials access without good reason.

"A Conservative Government will ban state snoopers and clipboard inspectors from entering people's homes on a whim", Spelman added.

"We will stand up for people who simply want privacy in their homes and liberty from Labour’s snooper state."

Pontefract Hospital - A&E promises broken?

At a time when people are expressing concern and distress at the MYH boards decision to give the new build smaller pfi the name Pontefract Hospital (acknowledging that using Pontefract gives it a local link) and that the name Pontefract General Infirmary will cease when the existing buildings are demolished. People seem to be unaware that other promises made about the future of the new hospital are failing to materialise.

A number of people have come forward to talk about the services that will be in place. Yvette Cooper's and Jon Trickett's promise of 9 out of 10 people receiving patient care, facilities and services looks to be coming unraveled.

Nick Pickles has more information about the A&E promises that are being broken here.

Well might the MP's for Hemsworth and Pontefract be seen in their stock picture outside the new Pontefract Hospital looking glum, promises of clinical reviews by Government Ministers seem like a smokescreen to buy time to keep people from reacting until it is to late. Our communities are unlikely to thank them if they have been involved in a process to lull people in to a sense of false security.

The latest emerging view is that a number of the specialist facilities needed for an A&E are simply not there and there seems to be no sign that they will be provided, that linked to pending closure of facilities in the PGI complex and concerns about MYH and B B's plans for the site, will leave few options to add or rebuild.

It seems MYH Trust may have also provided incorrect information to the public and to our parliamentary candidate when they talked of 120 beds at Pontefract when the inside view is that as a community we may have as few as 30 beds. Hopefully MYH will answer Nick's freedom of information requests in a timely manner and we will get a definitive answer.

As I have already identified in the issues log (right hand column) its called a hospital but the beds are in Wakefield and Dewsbury.

And the clock is ticking.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Has Labour really ransacked our pensions?

Yes, according to this article in This is Money it looks as though they have, taking £5 billion pounds from our pension funds each year since 1997 reducing the value of pension funds by £100 billion.

To quote the article:"Gordon Brown's last words on the matter came in staunch defense three years ago.

He said: 'It was the right decision for investment. It was the right investment for our pensions and the right decision for our economy.'

But the facts don't support his case. Help the Aged has reported that 2m older people live in poverty. Granted, this is a decline from 2.9m in 1999, but it's still a disturbing number.

And the reason is that the basic state pension falls below the poverty line. Labour's attempts to tackle this have created an unedifyingly complex credit system. Exasperating statistics show that up to £5bn in pension credit, housing benefit and council tax goes unclaimed by 5m pensioners each year – or 30% of entitled recipients - as many simply become lost in a mire of paperwork."

Read more: Or Click here.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

National Scheme ..A new way for young people to serve their communities..

David Cameron has announced that a Conservative Government will set up a National Citizen Service – non-military national service – for 16 year-olds.

National Citizen Service (NCS) will be a two month summer programme for 16-year olds, involving both residential and at-home components. It will be delivered by independent charities, social enterprises and businesses.

Later in the day he visited Sprowston in Norwich to see young people on a day with Skill Force.

A chance for many to start to take more personal responsibility, learning how to be a proud part of their communities.

Find out more click on the picture.

Where are the jobs?

Our MP has issued an election leaflet that boasts of her governments job creation activities. For those impressed by the claims they might find it helpful to read this article: Apparently nearly every one of 1.67m jobs created since 1997 has gone to a foreign worker This rather makes a joke of our Prime Minister's pledge of 'British jobs for British workers', and just confirms the weight that should be given to our MP's claims.

Somehow I think this is going to lead to other smoke and mirrors claims and threats to the electorate from Ms Cooper, some will believe, many won't.

Agriculture and Rural Business on the edge of West Yorkshire

Whilst Pontefract South has a predominantly urban population, it is identified in the West Yorkshire land use plan as having significant rural activity.

I know that amongst my readers/viewers there are a number who earn their living in agriculture and having had some questions asked about national Conservative Agricultural Policy, I am attaching an ISSUU link which will allow you to get a copy of the policy document.

As a local district councillor, I will be in touch with a number of people over the next couple of weeks linked to the WYP Rural Watch scheme so please say hello if you found this helpful, or not. Alternatively you may also wish to get in touch with Nick Pickles our Parliamentary Candidate if you have a specific issue or wish to offer help for the General Election.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Our Member of Parliaments voting record

For those who are trying to understand what Yvette Cooper MP has been doing since she was elected by the people of Pontefract & Castleford in the 1997 General Election. You may find it interesting to look at the things that she has supported or voted for in Parliament.

Once upon a time an MP could go to London, vote for who or what they wanted and probably, nobody would ever really know what they had been up to. In fact they could vote one way and say something completely different when they were back in their consitituency. With the wonder of t'internet, we can now see how helpful, or valuable they have been in supporting their electorate or not.

The Public Whip web site will answer all your questions and will even allow you to compare Ms Cooper with people who vote in a similar way. In this case Tony Blair 99.2% voting match and Gordon Brown 98.4% voting match.

For those that have wondered, unlike Lord Lofthouse her predecessor she may have not been much cop as a constituency MP (really good at Friday photocalls though). She has however been really very supportive of Tony & Gordon and that has worked wonders for her ministerial career... Have a look at Public Whip, here. I guess both she and Ed want to maintain their rise and lifestyle.

Fire Bugs torch play equipment - who pays? We all do.

Over the last three years, myself and other councillors in Pontefract, have been working with members of the public, to support a public funding initiative, that amongst other things, would improve play facilities for children in Chequerfield. The Pease field group, have been getting ready for a fun day, to open Pease Park in April.

A huge amount of work and effort has been put in. Some of which went up in smoke when a group of about fifteen youths set fire to a set of newly erected play equipment.

These poor, troubled and sad individuals, come from the same ilk, as the sort of pathetic, fire starter, that torched Carleton Community High School, in 2008, something that, has cost our community several millions to start to rebuild and which, despite sterling efforts from the whole community, touched the lives of the pupils at Carleton.

Once upon a time, people that set fires were treated as a menace to society and typically, could count on being removed from that society for extended periods. We seem to be more understanding of these youths, apparently supporting their desire to be famous, or to have a bit of fun, when they are at a loose end and fancy some casual vandalism.

I wonder how many hours of community service, if any, these charmers will get and whether we could get them involved, in some sort of community payback, or is that asking too much, of our legal system / their human rights?

Police have said, that they will patrol the area, I thought that they already were, but realise, that they are thin on the ground in this part of Pontefract, time that changed.

I think we could do with some sort of example here, can we have one?

Labours Betrayal of Working People

Our Parliamentary Candidate Nick Pickles has posted a telling commentary on the state of Labour Politics in this part of Yorkshire on the BlueBlog here.

The run to the election is just about to start and when/if Gordon Brown goes to the Palace tomorrow then people will start to see what the possibilities are for real change in this part of Yorkshire. Parliamentary change in a constituency that has been Labour dominated, some say oppressed since 1935 and a District Council run by the Wakefield Labour Party since WMDC came into existence in the 1970's.

Fire up the Quattro it's time for a change!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Fire up the Internet Campaign

The Conservatives have today launched a rebuttal of Labour's new poster campaign on exactly the same digital posters sites as the Labour ads.

Interesting to see that the first Labour poster campaign likens David Cameron to Gene Hunt, seems quite complimentary to me.

Read more on Nicks web site.

A good easter to all!

Gáudeat et tellus, tantis irradiáta fulgóribus:
et ætérni Regis splendóre illustráta,
tótius orbis se séntiat amisísse calíginem.

For some today is signified by the rustle of wrapping paper and the crunch of chocolate. For others there is also witness of the lighting of the paschal candle to symbolise Christ as light of the world and his presence in the midst of his people.

Whatever Easter means to you, may you have a good one.

Lions led by Donkeys

"Lions led by donkeys" is a phrase popularly used to describe the British infantry of the First World War and to condemn the generals who commanded them. The contention is that the brave soldiers (lions) suffered and in many cases were sent to their deaths by incompetent, unthinking and indifferent leaders (donkeys).

Now William Hague likens the British People as Lions and The Brown Government as donkeys in an interview given to the Daily Telegraph, the former Conservative leader tells Patrick Hennessy how Conservatives intend to undo the damage wreaked by Labour’s 13 years in power...Here

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Department of Government Waste - New Report and Video

The Secretary of State at the Department of Government Waste is showcasing the Governments activity on the DoGW web site here. The report in pdf format and video of their achievements was released this morning.

Quite fascinating.

Went Edge - Secretary of State responds....And the answer is not an April Fool

We will now have to wait until June to learn the outcome of Bank's appeal. The Secretary of State has just issued a deferral of the decision and passed it to his replacement in the next Government.

That takes our MP of the hook, no awkward national government policy on industrial wind farms to cause her embarrasment.

For what its worth, I am not totally surprised. Whatever the future national government following the General Election, we will lobby hard to see that this untenable and simply wrong development proposal which Messrs Banks are pushing will be rejected.

In doing so we hope that the future Secretary of State will confirm the rejection by the Local Planning Committee. Acknowledge the huge concern and opposition across the communities of West Park, Darrington, Wentbridge, East Hardwick, Carleton, Chequerfield and Larks Hill on the South side of Pontefract and hopefully put a marker down as to avoid other applications that are simply too close to communities.

If that Secretary of State should be a Conservative, I hope that they will stay true to our energy policy (Copy at the bottom of this post), but that they will see the power of the case put forward by PWAG and the representations made at the public enquiry and simply reject Bank's inadequate and destructive proposal.

From a Conservative standpoint we question the value of onshore wind generation unless properly validated and accepted by local communities. As you will see in the document whilst off shore wind generation linked to an offshore energy grid will give a growing source of energy, wind is an inconsistent source of renewable energy and we will be pushing to get a blend of energy sources to give us supply security and address the future needs.