Monday, 14 July 2008

Local Development Framework

In setting out how the council wishes to see the district grow Wakefield is going through the public part of its Local Development Framework consultation.

To quote "We are preparing the Site Specific Proposals Development Plan Document (DPD). The purpose of this document will be to provide a set of site allocations and proposals to meet the vision, objectives and development strategy of the Core Strategy. It will be inaccordance with the Regional Spatial Strategy which is called The Yorkshire & Humber Plan. The DPD will include land allocations to meet anticipated development needs relating to housing, employment and mixed use development. These proposals will replace equivalent allocations and designations in the saved Wakefield Metropolitan District Unitary Development Plan First Alteration."

This will create the space for future developments and the potential areas of challenge if the infrastructure of the area is not improved.

People who wish to know more can find the overview with specific examples and maps available HERE

If you find that your community is likely to be impacted or you have concerns that flow from this please get in touch and tell me about it.

In any case use the link to make representations to the WMDC planners by the 14th of August.

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