Friday 11 July 2008

Brown's Green Car Tax will hit the poorest hardest

9 million people will find that they are paying more to tax their vehicles as a result of Gordon Browns last budget before becoming PM. It is the 10p tax band all over again and shows this government's contempt for real people and the challenges that they are facing in getting by.

There is an article here.

Another example of how this government is taking a quick tax grab from the pockets of many who can least afford it. For the poorest law abiding tax payers it will take money that would be used to service and keep safe their vehicles and will put people in danger as a result.

When you also factor in the state of the public transport system and lack of services this will loose some people their jobs.

Nice one Gordon? No I don't think so.

1 comment:

Mike Kelley said...

Car Tax is to be based on C02 Gas emissions. However, the solution may not be greater car tax prices, we shold ensure that car manufacturers are cleaner and greener. The European Environment Commissioner must announce new measures that will make car manufacturers make more efficient and cleaner cars. This simple and attainable process would have an immediate effect on reducing the worlds spiralling greenhouse gas emissions.