It is time to challenge the 42 years of Labour lack of care from Wakefield that all to often damages Pontefract and its interests.
Speaking to local residents, they share my concerns about lack of investment in our town & the dash for more housing without the infrastructure to support it. We already see Pontefract Hospital failing to reach its potential despite our MPs promises. The challenges of air quality and congestion at Town End only now being resolved after fifteen years of denial and fudging by the Labour Council.
The impact of new houses on the Prince of Wales site; the resulting traffic chaos on Park Road have been mentioned, as have the closure of local swimming pools to be replaced by a maybe £10million new build at Glasshoughton or in Pontefract Park, with less than half the current capacity.
In addition to investment in Pontefract, we need to see first class education for our children and tackling of local low level crime early, improvements that will make our town a better place to live in.
I am proud to work with, support, promote and endorse, the Pantomime Society (Oh yes I do!), The Lions & Lionesses, Scouting & Cadet activities, Pomfret Nursery, the Pontefract Education Trust, St Giles, St Marys, Central Methodist & the work of the Saviour Trust. Community & Friends Groups, the activities of Darrington & East Hardwick Parish Councils & Pontefract Civic Society. I promise to continue with this work if you trust me with your support in Thursday 5th May's local election.
Meanwhile if you have questions or concerns please get in touch, send me an email, give me a call or stop me when I am out and about.