Friday 16 May 2014

Labour Fails Wakefield District Again. Yet another example of waste of resources and little will to resolve it.

At the December Council Meeting I asked the Portfolio holder for Communities and Environment to detail the amount the Labour Controlled Wakefield Council spends on picking up and disposing of litter She undertook to provide an answer. I  finally had a definitive answer at the April council meeting, actually two depending on who you listen to. Is it £3 or £4 million pounds? Whichever figure is right, this figure is nearly as large as the annual amount spent on highway and footpath maintenance. 

This money could have been put to much better uses. It would cover the costs of several nurseries, swimming pools or a couple of primary schools. It would allow us to further fund neighbourhood policing to help bear down on anti-social behaviour. We could renovate and improve War memorials across the district, better maintain parks, support youth groups and community organisations, help  to improve education services or care of the elderly. We could buy books for our libraries, better support local institutions like Pontefract Museum tourism events such as the Pontefract Liquorice Festival and complete improvement work at  Pontefract Castle  OR we could reduce the tax load on local residents.

It is time that we made it clear that littering, graffiti, fly-tipping and other sorts of environmental anti social behaviour is just not acceptable or welcome. 

We can use the money for other things!

Interestingly the Dog Warden service issued only 4 penalty tickets for dog fouling in November and again in March and April. 

You could not make it up.

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