Sunday 30 March 2014

£2.2 billion pounds of taxpayers money and Wakefield Council are putting up council tax..

Billions of pounds of Taxpayers money in 4 years of Wakefield expenditure...and now they intend to take more.

Whilst the Wakefield Labour Group on WMDC have spent the last four years complaining about government cuts, annual council expenditure has been more than half a billion pounds for each of those years and is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Still they say that they cannot make the numbers work and want more local taxpayer's money.
Next time you step out of your front door, look around you. Can you see where that money has gone?

The controlling Wakefield Labour Group need to learn the lesson that many other councils across the country, both Labour and Conservative have learned, that the hard earned cash they take off us should not just be spent, but well spent.

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