Monday 10 February 2014

UPDATED Keep Swimming at Pontefract! & a visit to a WMDC Cabinet Meeting

WMDC commissioned a leisure review last year primarily it appears to address the aftermath of the Minsthorpe Swimming Pool and to look at a way of rationalising swimming provision in the 5 towns by swapping three pools at Knottingley, Castleford and Pontefract and replacing them with a pool and leisure facility (Pontefract Park appears to be one of the favourite locations).

Having studied the review documentation I understand that this will be discussed at the Council Cabinet Meeting tomorrow as well as the Cabinet recommendations on the Budget and an item on the possible disposal of the 5 year old Market building that cost millions but has never been fit for purpose and other items.

As Leader of the Opposition Group, I will be attending to observe the Cabinet's money management skills, you could come along for the public elements or if they have sorted out the camera, view it on line.

Word of caution if you intend to go, it kicks off at 10.30 sharp and the meeting before Christmas had 14 items and lasted 32 minutes. Head towards the room with the whooshing noise unless it is being filmed, in which case it should take a fair bit longer.

UPDATED The meeting lasted 42 minutes, the budget was passed forward to the Council Meeting the Leader has pointed out that all difficulties are due to the Conservative Governments cuts (no mention of the previous government maxing out the state credit card) he further made a general comment about how we local conservatives typically don't support his plans for my benefit.

The budget proposal looks to be a council tax increase of 1.99%.

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