Tuesday 10 December 2013

Prince of Wales site Pontefract launch event.

Along with a number of others Walsh was to be found at a briefing and launch of the new Prince of Wales development on the old colliery site off Park Road today. A number of people talked in clear, positive terms about what is planned. I can see that there are significant opportunities to put in place what will hopefully be a major development which if done right will be part of the positive regeneration of a piece of land that is at one of the gateways to Pontefract. Harworth Estates the principal developer face a big challenge. I am sure that they are up to that, but we do need to see that the supporting infrastructure works, not just for future residents of the Prince of Wales site but also for the residents of Pontefract as a whole.

We shall see.

Harworth are hoping to start laying bricks towards the end of 2014.

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