Sunday 8 December 2013

11% increase for MPs in Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford, Morley & Outwood, Hemsworth and Wakefield...A liberty to far?

Back in July I wrote to our four MPs pointing out that if there was an inflation busting pay award made for them, that they did not automatically have to accept it. I personally believe that the public do not approve of the 11% pay increase that IPSA are likely to recommend on Thursday. In our part of the world Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper, John Trickett and Mary Creagh are generally reckoned to be on a generous package when compared with many of their constituents,

IPSA was set up after the MPs expense scandal to bring their financial packages back under control. It is unfortunate that they appear to be creating another us and them problem and their failing to acknowledge that people in society at large typically do not have such options shows a mind-boggling lack of consideration.

It could be worse, IPSA could have given a 321% increase to MPs in a similar way to the Labour Group in Wakefield who bounced an increase of that amount through for one of their Labour colleagues and we as local tax payers will pick up the bill..Again.

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