Tuesday 5 November 2013

You need friends

Friends Groups

As a Historic Borough and Market Town, with a Royal Castle, three railway stations and a Racecourse, the first in the western hemisphere to hold an election by secret ballot, any big decisions were made for Pontefract by Pontefract people. That stopped in 1974 when the Borough of Pontefract ceased to be and the key decisions about the town's growth, investment and well-being moved to Wakefield.  The Friends Groups that are coming together and thriving are great examples of taking back some say in decisions to improve our Town. 

If you can, please consider joining or supporting one of the groups, or passing their details on to a friend who might like to get involved or help.

Friends of Pontefract Castle 
Secretary Janet McNaught 01977 794466

Secretary Maria Dransfield 01977 704747

Friends of Pease Park 
Secretary Matt Haddleton  01977 780529

 Secretary Paul Cartwright, 01977 708658

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