Wednesday 20 November 2013

Labour vote to confirm a 321% increase for Committee Chairperson in Wakefield

Last Wednesday in the Council Chamber, completely against the interests of the people of Wakefield but completely supporting their own self interest the members of the Wakefield Labour Group who were present voted unanimously to nod through a 321% increase in the allowance for the Chairperson appointed earlier in the year to West Yorkshire Joint Services.

To quote a colleague you could not make it up.

Luckily the inaugural webcast captured it in glorious technicolour and I also demanded a recorded vote so that each individual had to confirm their vote.

To those Labour Group Members who voted this through.  We know who you are, do your electorate and how are you going to explain that?

Interestingly the MP's Pay Rise has gone quiet, I wonder when they will accept their proposed increase?

My message to our local MPs. Messrs Balls, Cooper, Creagh and Trickett "All because you can accept an increase does not mean that you should!"

Interestingly they don't want to talk about it.

What do you think?

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