Wednesday 23 April 2008

Pontefract Music Festival - Final Gala evening

Saturday night. The Mayor and Mayoress of Wakefield were in town, the Mayoral Audi was parked outside Pontefract Town Hall, the Mayoress was wearing the Pontefract Chain and the Assembly Rooms were full of participants, friends and family and a number of local enthusiasts of spoken word, song and music and the committee members who make the festival happen, for the final Gala Evening.

Really great night was had by all including Walsh who was even given a flower at the back end of the evening. This evening was the culmination of a weeks festival giving winners of classes in the festival to perform and in some cases to receive additional awards.

The Festival has gone from strength to strength since 1903. Roll on 2009!

Now looking forward to DIVA next weekend and the Pontefract Liquorice Festival in the Summer, watch this space.

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