Saturday, 19 April 2008

Time to paddle your own canoe

A big slice of our lives and freedoms depend upon the Government of the day. Never so true as now.

At a local WMDC level, once each year, in three out of every four years, people across the district get the chance to steer the canoe, setting a direction for the council.

They can choose to do something with their vote or do nothing. On May 1st in our part of the world, people that have had enough of 30 years of Labour controlled local government can help change things for the better.

Do something or do nothing, if people do not go out and vote it is pointless complaining that things never change. Some people use their local election vote as a way of telling government that they need to behave and this year I think many see that as an additional reason for visiting the polling station.

If you are thinking about local and national situations you may be interested in hearing a Q&A session that the Yorkshire Post set up with a panel of 60 readers from across Yorkshire and David Cameron last Thursday April the 17th 2008.
David Cameron 60 against 1 follow this link or use the one in the second links menu on the right.

Colleagues tell the tale of a candidate who got within 10 votes of electoral success only to fail at the recount.

Over the next few weeks he counted at least 40 people who came up to him and said "If I had known it was going to be that close, I would have come out and voted for you".

On May the 1st pick up the paddle and use it.

Make the democratic process work for you.

1 comment:

Geoff Walsh said...

Faint praise and a hug from a spambot, oh well...