Sunday, 30 March 2008

Keep our post offices open ..petition day

Visitors to Pontefract Market place today would have witnessed Walsh clipboard in hand collecting signatures from local inhabitants and visitors to help in our campaign to keep our local post offices open.

Thank you to all those souls who signed up today another 160 on a cold, windy and wet day.

An interesting aspect of the whole process was the number of people who I approached who did the automatic "No thanks or In a hurry" defensive comment who stopped in their tracks and came back and signed when the words keep our local post offices open sank in.

I have noticed over recent years a number of Chuggers - paid street fundraisers who encourage people to sign up for direct debit donations. I think that chugging is starting to become such a problem in my neck of the woods that people see a clipboard and panic.

Anyway thanks to all that signed, I really appreciate your commitment to our community. Lets see what the government and Post Office think.

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