Sunday 1 March 2015

Why did we pick Beth Prescott as our Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford? - Heres why!

For people who have wondered about the merits of a young Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Normanton Pontefract & Castleford consitituency. Tune in to this link on BBC Radio Leeds at 2 hours 25 minutes in and listen to Beth Prescott for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford and she will tell you why. We heard her determination and commitment to the people of the constituency in her selection interview and she shone through. If you get the opportunity come and hear her debate with Yvette Cooper at the hustings meetings which should be taking place in April.
The people of this constituency talk of the qualities of our previous MP's and how they focussed on local people showing neither fear or favour when striving to get a result. We have had 18 years of our MP climbing her party ladder it really is time for a real constituency Member of Parliament again.
Please pass it on
Beth, good on you!

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