Monday 14 October 2013

Decisions for Pontefract

As a Historic Borough and Market Town, with a Royal Castle, three railway stations and a Racecourse, the first election in the western hemisphere to hold the secret ballot. Our big decisions were made for Pontefract by Pontefract people. That stopped in 1974 when the Borough of Pontefract ceased to be and the key decisions about the town's growth, investment and well-being moved to Wakefield. 

The district has developed, there have been a number of schemes, initiatives and projects brought forward over recent years with promises made about protecting and improving what we have. However, whilst many schemes have been delivered across the district it seems all too often that projects in Pontefract slow down or in some instances stall completely.

In 2007 the cabinet in Wakefield lauded the new Pontefract Masterplan. Others across the district were delivered, we still wait to see the improvements promised and face a dash to develop new estates around the town without the improved infrastructure to support them.

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