Monday 16 July 2012

Mid Yorkshire Hospital Trust...continued

Over recent weeks there have been a number of developments including the resignation of the Trusts Non Executive Directors because they could not see how to make ends meet. We now know more about what that meant and it looks like with the Trust losing £100,000 pounds each and every day or about £36.5 million a year.   Curiously enough that is a similar amount to the interest bill that our MPs have forced the Trust into with their PFI means that the Trust is in danger of being put into special measures.

The thing is the costs that the Trust has incurred in opening up its spiffy new buildings is such that they have to cut back delivered services to cover the debt FOR THE NEXT 30 YEARS. Our MPs blame government cuts but this is a foul up they managed all by themselves during their time in government.

There was a slogan much bandied about during the 2005 General Election about the NHS being safe in Labours hands.  Well in our part of the world that has a ghastly hollow ring to it.

There are campaigns running to protect Dewsbury A&E and the Pontefract A&E is to re-open with GP led service from September. However it looks as if the three hospitals may be reallocated or partner with other Trusts that are better at financial management.

UPDATE 17th July 2012

The Executive Leader of the Council came out with his concerns about this situation and the need for the Labour controlled Council to see over the future direction of the Trust in the interests of the people of the district. (NHS safe in Labour Hands?) I don't think so.

I am writing to the Secretary of State, asking for an intervention so that the people of the districts health will not become hostage to financial or management incompetence and to question the basis and setting up the PFI (if the MYHT management were involved in negotiating the PFI their capability or lack of it must put the original PFI negotiation in doubt). My next question is who signed that off in the Treasury and the NHS and what provision was made for funding it.

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