Monday 21 November 2011

Official - Christmas breaks out in Pontefract

Christmas breaks out in the US immediately after Thanksgiving. In Pontefract we officially accepted the season of goodwill to all this evening and ahead of the United States, with the push of a giant plunger Pontefracts Christmas Tree and lights sprang to life with a brilliant crowd, biggest in recent years (just like our remembrance ceremony on the 11th.

6.30 this evening, found Walsh with three other Pontefract Councillors up on stage with the bright yellow police padlock (lock your sheds) and a group of youngsters from the audience gathered round the plunger.

Great night, childrens rides, market stalls including a fund raising stand by the local Lions, where I sampled my first mince pie and a very welcome mulled wine "special recipe" (Thank you George Morgan, it was grand).

There were seaside donkey rides and several dogs dressed as Santa's little helpers.

The St Giles tombola drew quite a crowd and raised money for Pontefract Parish Church (thanks to all who donated some cracking gifts).

Well Merry Christmas to you and yours and God Bless us every one!

Updated 21.37

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