Thursday, 31 January 2008

At last our MP can get off the fence

Our MP until Thursday evening was Minister for Housing and sponsoring minister for the Eco-Towns programme and by default the person who may have had to make the final decision on Darringfield and Willow Green, the two Eco-Towns on the edge of the Five Towns.

With the reshuffle following Peter Hain's demise, she is now Chief Secretary to the Treasury (the family job, formerly filled by hubby Ed"that's not Brown its Balls" now Children's Minister).

Anyway she can now really engage with her electorate on our local roads, proposed Eco-Towns and the Wind Farm proposal at Westfield lane. (See PWAG link)

Over to you Yvette, time you did something helpful for your voters.

Friday, 25 January 2008

I think I just promised to eat my hat....

Last night, I attended Carleton Neighbourhood Watch's monthly meeting. Always an interesting evening, good mix of people from across the community, if Carleton had a Parish Council it would look like this and do good work.

Anyhoo a member was sharing some information about the proposed traffic survey about Pontefract's traffic problems. This has been wheeled out smartish as our MP and one of the ruling group councillors gave an interview to the local paper saying that they intended in conjunction with senior officers of WMDC to have a summit to find solutions for our problems.

Thing is Yvette was promising something and included Trevor the councillor, she usually does something similar each year with whichever Labour Councillor is up for re-election or to introduce their candidate. In 2006 on election day she was found in a local chip shop at Carleton Park drumming up support from the evening rush to go out and vote for the person announced as the next Deputy Mayor (in this case it seemed not to work 42 more people voted for me than him and the rest is history).

Well this time somebody checked the story by asking a WMDC senior officer in a public meeting what WMDC knew about Yvette's initiative.

Nothing was the reply, more questions were asked and it suddenly starts to look like this was one of Yvette's aspirational press releases. Nobody at Wakefield knew anything. Result piece in paper shortly followed by an embarassed Trevor having to say details not agreed yet.

Then all of a sudden we do get some officers of the council doing a version of a human suggestion box in Pontefract Town Hall to avoid any embarrassment. So after the comment that this was really the consultation to end all consultations and would really get things sorted, I reminded the assembled group that the same exercise happened in 2002, 2004, 2006 and that if any real action resulted that lead to a significant improvement before October this year, I will eat my hat at a charity event organised for the purpose in Pontefract Town Hall. (Children in Need)

I have a cunning plan.....

Monday, 21 January 2008

Darringfield Eco Town?

What do they think they are playing at now?

Did you know that a new Government Eco Town with up to 20000 new houses could be coming our way?

If this happens it will be called Darringfield and yes it will be at the east side of Darrington running all the way up to the M62 Roundabout on the edge of Knottingley and over into Selby and Osgoldcross district.

It sounds more like a name for a soap opera and because Eco Towns are her scheme our MP, the Minister for Housing could be one of the main characters making the decision. There are three other proposed Yorkshire Eco Towns, at Eggborough, Micklefield and Rossington.

Darringfield would more than double the size of Pontefract but would be a town in its own right. All this at a time when we are already at risk of loosing our Police Stations in Pontefract and Castleford, Knottingley’s has already closed, our roads are in chaos, many other services are close to breaking point, we keep getting told that resources are limited and the already deficient PGI will be scarcely sufficient for our existing communities.

What is more whilst North Yorkshire and Selby District Councillors have been briefed and are telling their people about this situation, we have heard nothing from our MP or the ruling Labour group at Wakefield. Apparently Government will decide in the next few weeks and the chosen locations will be announced by the Minister in the spring with planning controlled by her Department.

When were we supposed to hear about it, why the silence and when do we get a say?

Saturday, 19 January 2008

'The Light Of Our Lives Has Gone Out'

Many people tell me their concerns about some of our more feral drink crazed young people there have been a number of tragedys, followed by frenzied action and soul searching, simply put we need to do better.

Please read Helen Newlove's words here..,,30000-1301131,00.html

Never believe what you read in the press......

Today I received my copy of one of our local papers, the Wakefield Express.

They had an item with the header "Walsh elected to Tory post" So far so true.

Last Wednesday my colleagues in the Wakefield Met Conservative councillors group unanimously elected me to the role of Deputy Group Leader. We have sixteen seats and the team is growing and I really appreciated their support and I am looking forward to pushing us on to bigger and better things.

However the reporter who asked the questions managed to get the wires crossed and it looks like my job just changed.

"He is an executive member of development agency Yorkshire Forward and for three years held the role of vice-chairman." Well yes and no.

Actually director of development Agency Warrington 2000 and past vice chairman of the Yorkshire Society was what I said. Obviously the other stuff sounded more interesting.

Yorkshire Forward were nice and relaxed about it, bless them, in any case they are members of the Yorkshire Society and their CEO knows about the glitch.

Actually they could do worse than to experience a bit of Walshness.

Future Homes mk2 Plot Thickens

Weeeell in my previous post I mentioned the Housing Minister's plan for 300,000 new houses in Yorkshire and the Humber and I got a clue where as many as 60,000 of them could be. Four of her new Eco Towns are actively being looked at as possibilities on the A1 M62 corridor. I will know more in the next few days.

At first glance this sounds a worthwhile eco friendly approach but the planning controls will be imposed by central government and the result is a command economy similar to a Russian Tractor Factory. The thing that winds me up here is that Our MP who is also Planning Minister looks like she is about to sacrifice her constituents for the good of her ministerial career and for Gordon's masterplan.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Future Homes

Back in the old year I was called upon to attend a briefing about the Housing Ministers plans for addressing the growing housing shortage.

Conclusions and key messages.

Government are setting a hugely challenging Agenda, at this point the new objectives are high on aspiration and as yet thin on delivery mechanisms.

Plans include:

3 million more homes – backed by more ambitious building targets, increased investment, and new ways of identifying and using land for development.

More social housing – ensuring that a decent home at an affordable price is for available for the growing group of people who otherwise will be disadvantaged.

Building homes more quickly – by unblocking the planning system and releasing land for development. Including releasing greenbelt and building on flood plains.

More affordable homes – by increasing the options for low cost home ownership and more long term and affordable mortgage products

Greener homes with high environmental standards via flagship developments leading the way, the Minister talked of eco Towns as part of that way forward.

Including 100% zero Carbon new build homes by 2016

Talking with delegates there seemed to be a belief that the main issue with such challenging targets, seems to revolve around funding infrastructure.

There was further concern about the lack of information available about initiatives to improve existing housing stock.

As part of her presentation, the Minister talked of a need for 300,000 new homes in Yorkshire and the Humber, so we clearly need to stay closely tuned to developments in our back garden.

Well whoever is taking responsibility for government in years to come this will be one issue that effects a huge slice of our population. Things do need to be done and they need doing right!

Where is the Money? The story goes on...

Well last year I asked the question about what Wakefield Met were doing, things only seem to be getting worse. The government's allocation to local authorities for 2008/9 has been declared, according to the Wakefield Express, Wakefield faces a £29million pound shortfall. We have been getting hints that life is looking particularily challenging.

I am due to get a briefing on the "emerging budget situation" and whilst Peter Box the Labour leader of the council talks about a balanced budget next year it looks to me as though this will impact jobs, front lines services, budgets for improvement and also the Labour Council is likely to push for a maximum Council Tax increase.

WMDC has been a grand labour project since 1974 and in that time they have had the opportunity to pretty much develop things as they want. Simply because they have had the votes they needed on tap in the Council Chamber. There have clearly been some positive things done but the controlling groups sense of reality has slipped from time to time.

Since its inception Wakefield has had the support of its sitting Labour MPs and for the last ten years the ear and support of the Blair and Brown NuLabour project. I hope they are calling in favours. But with council tax virtually doubling since 1997 and the Labour groups habit of running short and dipping into peoples pockets for more tax each year enough is enough. People on the doorstep keep telling me that it is time for a change and clearly that is why we know have sixteen conservatives elected, including three in one of the traditionally strongest Labour wards.

Clearly people are uneasy about the future and for many in the Labour Group this is likely to hit them in the ballot box in May.

Happy New Year?

Well I certainly hope so but it looks as though we are all about to experience "interesting times" as the Chinese are wont to say.

Whatever happens we are in for choppy economic waters ahead and it will be interesting to see what smoke and mirrors Gordon Brown will deploy to show that it is nothing to do with him.

For the moment let me just hope that you and yours have the best time that they can in 2008 and that things work out.