Thursday, 22 January 2015

Gravy Boat or Gravy Train at Wakefield Met 321% increase again? Not if I can do anything about it!

It will be interesting to see how much money is siphoned off to pay Councillors expenses and allowances and what "the cost of democracy" will be following the Council Tax increase that the Labour Group are likely to vote through in February for the next financial year.

It will be worth looking at how many place men (or women) will get some sort of special responsibility allowance  or increase like the 321% (YES 321%) increase for one committee chairperson voted through in 2013.

Support my campaign challenge Councillors allowance increases.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

An inconvenient Truth for local Labour

Whilst Labour concentrated on building an entitlement and benefits culture (with reminders from Yvette Cooper to get your claim in) the Conservatives have concentrated on creating the right environment for people to get on and gain by supporting private sector job creation.

Working to build a stronger economy, locally and nationally.

True Grit?

A word of caution folks.

I understand that there has been a significant amount of gritting taking place, especially last night. Today gritters will be out on some estates so that waste collections can take place. That said take it easy if you are out and about in Pontefract,Castleford or Normanton, Darrington and the outlying villages.

Gently does it with the throttle and leave plenty of space for maneuvering or to give you enough stopping distance. Try to keep your windscreens clear and the snow off the roof of your car so it does not whoosh down blocking your vision at a critical moment.

If you are on foot, footpaths typically are probably untreated, please travel safe.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015

January 2015 UPDATED Potholing in Pontefract from January 2014

I am out with the head of Highways on tour tomorrow morning with a view to him experiencing our reality and coming up with a priority list for road repairs / potholes in Pontefract South (Baghill, Carleton, Chequerfield, Eastbourne, Hardwick/Ackworth Road, Larkshill, Wakefield Road and local roads to East Hardwick, Darrington and Wentbridge),

I already have a number of specific locations and people have given me others on Facebook and out and about. However if you are aware of particular problems that I should consider including give me a buzz or send me a fb message with contact details. 

Lets not get to excited but I am going to see what I can get done. 


UPDATED January 2015

Following on from my work in January last year, a programme of repair work was undertaken. Not by any means a complete programme and apart from fairly major work on Hardwick Road from the Railway Bridge to East Hardwick there were a number of local repairs. There are a number of areas that still need work.

When people make promises in the run up to the next election ask for examples of what they have actually done for our community.

Talk is cheap and some will tell you what you want to hear and promise the earth. Ask our six Labour Councillors specifically what they have achieved. Most of their publicity shots relate to projects run and funded by others or work that they have little or no control over.

UKIP make big claims but they have no evidence of getting anything done for Pontefract and for those who voted UKIP locally off the back of the European Elections their slogan was vote UKIP Get UKIP but actually the result was vote UKIP get Labour.

As one of my older friends says "Think on"

Britain leading the way

Monday, 19 January 2015

Building a Britain with Full Employment

Today the Prime Minister will outline the Conservatives’ second manifesto theme – building a Britain with full employment – with five clear commitments:
·         Encourage enterprise and back small business, keeping jobs taxes low and cutting red tape.

·         Invest in infrastructure to attract business and good jobs across the whole of the UK.

·         Continue getting British people back to work by controlling immigration and delivering a robust welfare system for EU migrants.

·         Reward work, help people into a job and lower the benefit cap.

·         Create 3 million new apprenticeships so young people get the skills to succeed.

We have had a tough few years as a country, but we are coming out the other side. We are the jobs factory of Europe – creating more jobs here than the rest of Europe put together – and are committed to building a Britain with full employment.
This is what that means in human terms: it means more of our fellow men and women with the security of a regular wage; it means you, your family and your children having a job and a better future.
That’s what our long-term economic plan means for you – and if you vote Conservative, we can stay on this road to a stronger economy. 

Vote Conservative - Vote Beth Prescott in the General Election and Vote for local candidates:
Geoff Walsh for Pontefract South and Chris Speight for Pontefract North, Amy Swift for Airedale and Ferry Fryston, Anthony Hill for Altofts and Whitwood, Eamonn Mullins for Castleford and Glasshoughton, Jean Molloy for Normanton and Rebecca Norris for Ferrybridge and Knottingley in the Local/District Election on the 7th of May. 
UPDATED 12th April 2015

Locally there is much to be done. Wakefield MDC over the years has carried out a lot of internal recruitment at taxpayers expense but has performed poorly in supporting local small businesses and the economies of the Five Towns. In other parts of the country even in areas that have faced industrial decline, local authorities have been much more effective in supporting local enterprise and generating jobs growth,
Wakefield has a way to go and part of the problem comes from the lack of commercial savvy that elected Labour members have to challenge and ensure money is well spent and leverage jobs growth.
We also are poorly supported by our local Labour MP who seems to be more about self promotion in the Labour Party than supporting our communities, its time that changed.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford - Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate

Delighted to pass on the news that we have selected Beth Prescott as our Candidate for #GE2015

You can find out more about Beth and her intentions here

We were hugely impressed at the selection meeting and the feedback from people who have met her is really positive.

If you meet her out and about please say hello!


Thursday, 1 January 2015

All the best for 2015

2015 will be one of the most fundamentally challenging years, peoples lives and possibilities are in the balance.

Over recent years many have chosen not to engage with the electoral process and the result has been 41 years of Labour control of Wakefield Council. In May seven local council seats and the Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford Parliamentary seat are up for election. It looks to be a hard fought campaign ahead and it is to be hoped that as many registered electors can find it in themselves to vote on Thursday the 7th of May.

I wish you and yours all the best.